Why we do something

There are countless stray dogs and cats in Ukraine. In Kiev alone, several thousand dogs and cats live on the streets.
In addition to the usual dangers such as hunger, thirst, cold, illness, and road traffic, self-proclaimed "dog hunters" also prey on homeless dogs in Ukraine.
These cowardly animal abusers deliberately kill dogs in inhumane ways.
Cats are also often targeted by animal abusers or subjected to poisoning campaigns by property managers who want to eradicate this "plague" since cats often live in the basements of large apartment buildings.
Unfortunately, pet neutering is not very common in Ukraine. People often have unfounded reservations about castration, such as a cat no longer catching mice, etc.
This often leads to unwanted pregnancies in pets, and it is not uncommon for the puppies and their mothers to be simply abandoned. Unfortunately, this cycle continues.

The suffering of homeless animals in Ukraine briefly caught the public eye during the 2012 European Football Championship. Images of hundreds of dogs being poisoned and murdered circulated in the media.
The outcry was significant, and many major animal welfare organizations collected donations for relief efforts in the major cities of Ukraine.
Unfortunately, many donations ended up in less sustainable projects, and now the attention of people outside of Ukraine, and thus the commitment of large organizations, has diminished.
Even though we, as a small association, cannot possibly close all the gaps that have arisen, we have nevertheless decided to help as many strays as possible.
By collaborating with local animal rights activists and organizations, we also strive to raise awareness among the population and increase the acceptance of neutering.